Company Highlights

80,000 Cast Members

Walt Disney World Resort is the largest single-site employer in the United States and serves as a catalyst for tourism, recreation and diversifies the region’s economy.

150,000+ Supplies

Disney donated more than 150,000 school supplies to A Gift For Teaching, a Central Florida nonprofit who ensures students and teachers have supplies needed for success.

$1.236 Billion

As the largest single taxpayer in Central Florida, Walt Disney World paid and collected $1.236 billion in state and local taxes during fiscal year 2024, representing a $2.4 million increase over fiscal year 2023.

200,000 Hours

Walt Disney World cast members volunteered more than 200,000 hours through the Disney VoluntEARS program in 2024. Disney has provided  millions of volunteer hours to nonprofit organizations for five decades.

$2.7 Million

In 2024, we provided $2.7 million in Disney Grants to nonprofit organizations, schools, children’s hospitals and more. Since Oct. 1, 1971, we have made significant financial and in-kind donations to numerous nonprofit organizations in Central Florida.

645,000+ Meals

Disney provided more than 645,000 meals to people in need at shelters and to nonprofit organizations like Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida.


More than 165,000 Disney-inspired wishes have been granted since 1980 through Make-A-Wish®. In 2024, we granted 8,000 wishes for critically ill children whose one wish was to visit Walt Disney World Resort.

80 Acres

We provided nearly 80 acres of land in Orange County to The Michaels Organization for 1,400 units of mixed income housing, with more than 1,000 of which will be reserved as affordable.

$3.5 Million+

More than $3.5 million in sales of Walt Disney World specialty license plate benefitting Make-A-Wish® Central and Northern Florida that supports children facing critical illnesses and their families.