Rainbow Disney Collection

In celebration of Pride Month 2021 and the company’s Pride collection, Disney is giving funds as part of our ongoing commitment to organizations around the world that support LGBTQ+ communities. Learn more about these organizations below.

ARELAS is a Spanish association that provides support for trans children and their families and that has been working for more than five years to achieve equal opportunities and rights for Spanish trans minors in all areas of public and private life. ARELAS fights to achieve a diverse society free from discrimination based on sexual identity. The association develops activities and programs promoting the participation of trans minors in social, political, cultural, sports and financial life. ARELAS offers information, advice, support and accompaniment to families and trans people who are without family support, creating networks and spaces for meeting and mutual support. ARELAS will use The Walt Disney Company’s donation to develop training activities and offer support and advice to trans children, youth and their families.
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BeLonG To Youth Services is the national organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI+) young people in Ireland. Since 2003, BeLonG To has worked with LGBTI+ young people to create a world where they are equal, safe and valued in the diversity of their identities and experiences. BeLonG To’s work spans people, policy and practice. The organization focuses on eliminating the isolation, discrimination and harassment faced by LGBTI+ young people through frontline youth work and vital support services. At a policy level, the organization works to promote equality for LGBTI+ young people to remove the structural and social barriers which result in exclusion, isolation, and marginalization. The Walt Disney Company’s donation will assist BeLonG To in their efforts to help lower the barriers that create isolation for LGBTI+ young people.
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diversity München e.V. is an LGBTQ+ youth organization with a youth center based in Munich, Germany. The organization is self-governed by youth members, using a peer-to-peer approach to create a welcoming community through the youth centers and cafés for LGBTQ+ youth in Germany. The organization also hosts educational sessions on gender identity and sexual orientation in schools and youth centers, as well as events at their diversity Café. The Walt Disney Company’s donation will help diversity München e.V. maintain these safe spaces for LGBTQ+ youth to meet friends and simply be themselves.
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Diversity Role Models (DRM) is a U.K. LGBTQ+ education charity with a vision of a world where everybody embraces diversity and can thrive. DRM embeds inclusion and builds empathy through educational workshops in schools featuring personal, lived-experience stories from LGBTQ+ and ally role models. The workshops help students understand the impact of their language and actions, equipping them with the skills to challenge homophobic, biphobic and transphobic comments and bullying happening within the student body, driving a school culture shift to celebrating and embracing differences. To ensure sustained change, student workshops are supplemented by training staff, governors and parents/caretakers. The Walt Disney Company’s donation continues to help DRM’s efforts in delivering their workshops to more schools.
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Famiglie Arcobaleno, created by LGBT+ singles and parents, is an independent Italian association founded in March 2005. The organization stands against all forms of discrimination and advocates for LGBT+ parenting to be recognized in the Italian legal system and in society, to protect children and their loved ones and to reduce the stigma around LGBT+ parenting. The association aims to promote cultural, social and political changes around the topic of family, and facilitates dialogue between current parents or would-be LGBT+ parents, while equipping them with the tools needed to raise their children. The Walt Disney Company’s donation will support Famiglie Arcobaleno in creating a culture of greater social inclusion for all types of families.
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GLSEN is the leading national organization in the U.S. dedicated to ending violence, harassment and discrimination against LGBTQ+ youth in K-12 schools. GLSEN partners with students, educators, and other school stakeholders at the local, state, and federal level to ensure that all LGBTQ+ youth can learn and thrive, with LGBTQ+-affirming programs, policies, and initiatives across the country. Disney and GLSEN have collaborated for more than 19 years with support going towards various GLSEN programs. New funds will be used to deepen the impact of student leadership development programs and racial equity capacity-building across the GLSEN network, and to expand the reach of educator professional development programs.
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LatAm Affiliate Network It Gets Better helps LGBTQ+ youth embrace their identities and feel empowered through storytelling and educational efforts. By showcasing other people’s experiences of overcoming adversity, It Gets Better seeks to inspire hope in new generations to make them feel more accepted and loved by their own community, in spite of their situation at home or at school, by connecting them with the information and resources they may need. The Walt Disney Company is supporting It Gets Better affiliates in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Peru by funding efforts to develop content that will serve LGBTQ+ youth across the region.
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MAG Jeunes LGBT+ is a non-profit organization for LGBTI+ youth aged 15 to 30 years old. It is the leading national LGBTI+ youth organization in France. The organization helps and guides young people in need through educational interventions in schools that raise awareness about LGBTI+ discrimination and promote respect for diversity and inclusion. It also organizes several leisure, cultural and sports activities, as well as big annual events such as the Grand Pride Ball of Paris. Established in 1985, MAG Jeunes LGBT+ provides LGBTI+ people with opportunities to live better and freely express their sexual orientation or gender identity. The organization fights against displays of rejection, hatred, violence and discrimination that LGBTI+ youth may face, and fights against homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and sexism. The Walt Disney Company is delighted to collaborate with Mag Jeunes LGBT+ to provide education for young people and more opportunities to live as their true selves.
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Minus18 is a champion for LGBTQIA+ young people in Australia. By leading change and building social inclusion, Minus18 is advocating for an Australia where all young people are safe, empowered, and surrounded by people that support them. Minus18 believes in equipping young people with the skills they need in every program to be at the forefront of driving change, empowering the next generation of LGBTQIA+ leaders. Through a preventative model of mental health support, Minus18 tackles social isolation by creating fun-filled spaces where LGBTQIA+ young people belong and are celebrated. Minus18 events are about being visible, making friends and feeling supported. Creating an Australia free from discrimination is a job for everyone. Minus18 transforms communities through LGBTQIA+ training, resources, and digital campaigns that enable others to champion inclusivity. The Walt Disney Company’s donation helps Minus18 develop videos and articles that offer online resources for parents to help support their children.
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‘Nijiiro’ means rainbow in Japanese. Since the establishment of Nijiiro Diversity in 2013, the organization has been encouraging diversity, inclusion and individual agency in the workplace. Nijiiro is the first non-profit organization in Japan to take on issues of LGBTQ+ discrimination in the workplace and attempt to create change by providing research, informational lectures, training and consultations for corporations, government agencies and academic institutions. Nijiiro Diversity aims to create a safe and friendly working environment for LGBTQ+ people, empower the Japanese LGBTQ+ community and contribute to the creation of an inclusive society for all people. Nijiiro Diversity’s vision is that people should be accepted and treated fairly in all workplaces without fear of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. Nijiiro will use The Walt Disney Company’s donation to conduct research and study together with academic researchers. The data will be shared on the organization’s website, with the media, and as part of submission requests to local governments throughout Japan for advocacy.
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Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Commitment
At The Walt Disney Company, we have the opportunity and the responsibility to create authentic, unforgettable stories, experiences and products that capture the imagination of generations of people around the world. We are committed to doing that in a way that counts everybody in.
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