Disneyland Resort: Safety is a Core Value

At Disneyland Resort we create happiness every day by embracing a core set of values known as the 5 keys – Safety, Courtesy, Inclusion, Show and Efficiency.

Fostering a Culture of Safety

Disneyland Resort is a unique 24/7 operation. Because of this, we’ve implemented specific measures to create a culture of safety, not only as an organizational priority, but also by instilling personal value in safety and wellness. We provide resources and education, but most importantly, we empower Disneyland Resort cast members to use their voice when it comes to matters of safety.

Safety in Education

Disneyland Resort safety education is crucial in providing cast members the knowledge and skills needed to help protect themselves and perform their role safely. The Disneyland Resort provides a breadth of training and information to implement safety practices including:

AED and CPR Training

Provides information and fundamentals for cast members who may encounter a medical emergency event.

First Aid

Self-treatment guidance for cast members common conditions that can be treated by first aid supplies provided in work locations. 

A Culture of Safety

A program created for Disneyland Resort leaders to understand the value of learning, living and leading a culture of safety.

Heat Response

Provides guidelines and temperature-based procedures for all cast members.

Safety and Wellness

Disneyland Resort hosts safety and wellness fairs throughout the year where cast members can attend educational and interactive events.

Safety in Empowerment

Every cast member is empowered to utilize their voice and provided multiple ways in which they can advocate for safety at Disneyland Resort, including: 

Safety and Wellness Committees

Provides cast members a voice to openly express safety and wellness-related issues.

Recognition Opportunities

Ability to recognize cast for upholding the safety key by sending official messages of recognition to the cast member and their leader or host safety celebrations that recognize safety achievements.

Disneyland Resort Safeline

Dedicated phone number to report Disneyland safety concerns any time of day anonymously or speak directly to the Safety Services Duty Manager.

Safety in Resources

We provide dedicated services, programs and tools to support and foster holistic safety and wellness for Disneyland Resort cast members including:

Cast Care Center

A dedicated space to equip cast members with resources and support for overall wellbeing. These resources include wellness navigators who provide in-depth overviews and assistance in utilizing company provided resources.

Be Well Program

Resources to help enhance cast members mental, physical and overall wellbeing.


Training and guidance on how to have proper body mechanics, physical techniques and design standard guidelines.

Safety Website

Resources that provide leaders and cast with an extensive safety resource library, a safety handbook, leadership resources, workplace safety programs and top safety stories.

Safety Programs

Disney Wild About Safety has existed for over 20 years, giving cast members a tool to engage millions of guests by handing out Disney Wild About Safety Tip Cards.

Our Cast

We value cast member safety and well-being by offering resources, education and advocacy. We’re committed to operating in a manner that prioritizes safety and wellness and have a continued commitment to help keep our 35,000 cast members safe.

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